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Mechanical signals' modulation of living cells

The State Key Lab of
High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


  Mechanical signals' modulation of living cells

  Speaker:Prof. Yannis Missirlis

  (University of Patras,Greece)

  Cell-instructive surfaces and biomimetic ceramic composites for biomedical applications

  Speaker:Prof. Bo Su(University of Bristol, UK)

  时间:2015年4月7日 (星期二)上午9:00



  Biography of Prof. Yannis Missirlis

  Professor Yannis Missirlis graduated as Chemical Engineer from the NTUA (Athens-1969), received a M.Sc in Chemical Engineering, (Syracuse-USA, 1971) and his Ph.D. from Rice University (Houston-1973) in Biomedical Engineering.

  Prof. Missirlis was Assistant /Associate Professor at McMaster University (Canada,1974-1980) before joining the University of Patras in 1981, as a full Professor, directing since then the Laboratory of Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, until his retirement (1/9/2013).

  Prof. Missirlis has served as Vice-Rector of the University (1986-1988), as a member of the European, and the World Council of Biomechanics.

  He has coauthored a book: “Biomaterials, A Tantalus Experience”( Helsen-Missirlis, 2011), coedited 2 books: “ Modern aspects of Protein Adsorption on Biomaterials” (Missirlis-Lemm, 1991) and “ The role of Platelets in Blood- Biomaterial Interactions” ( Missirlis-Wautier, 1993).

  He has published >80 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, several chapters in books, and currently is active in the area of cell-material interactions, mechanotransduction, tissue engineering, biomechanics from nano-to macro level.

  Professor Missirlis was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the European Society of biomechanics (by its General Assembly, in Boston, July 2014), and an Honorary Member of the European Society for Biomaterials (unanimous Council decision, April 2014).

  苏波教授简历 :

  英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)材料学博士,目前为英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol) 生物材料学教授,生物工程材料研究组(Biomaterials Engineering Group) 领头人。在国际权威性学术刊物上共发表文章百余篇,国际专利两项,专著一章,受资助科研项目二十余项,总金额超两百万英镑。主要研究兴趣包括:生物材料制造与表面工程;仿生生物植入材料及组织工程材料;细胞及微生物与表面微纳米形貌相互作用。近期研究项目包括:仿形陶瓷及陶瓷微加工;生物陶瓷(玻璃)及其复合材料;电纺丝天然高分子纳米纤维伤口敷料及组织工程骨架材料;可降解生物陶瓷/镁基复合材料;陶瓷/金属和陶瓷/聚合物功能梯度骨科及牙科材料;多功能纳米表面钛基牙科及骨科植入材料等。


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