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Multiobjective genetic training and uncertainty quantification of reactive force fields(多目标遗传训练和反应力场的不确定度量化)

Multiobjective genetic training and uncertainty quantification of reactive force fields(多目标遗传训练和反应力场的不确定度量化)
Ankit MishraSungwook HongPankaj RajakChunyang ShengKen-ichi NomuraRajiv K. KaliaAiichiro Nakano & Priya Vashishta
npj Computational Materials 4:42 (2018)
Published online:02 August 2018
Abstract| Full Text | PDF OPEN


Abstract:The ReaxFF reactive force-field approach has significantly extended the applicability of reactive molecular dynamics simulations to a wide range of material properties and processes.ReaxFF parameters are commonly trained to fit a predefined set of quantum-mechanical data, but it remains uncertain how accurately the quantities of interest are described when applied to complex chemical reactions.Here, we present a dynamic approach based on multiobjective genetic algorithm for the training of ReaxFF parameters and uncertainty quantification of simulated quantities of interest.ReaxFF parameters are trained by directly fitting reactive molecular dynamics trajectories against quantum molecular dynamics trajectories ReaxFF on the fly,where the Pareto optimal front for the multiple quantities of interest provides an ensemble of ReaxFF models for uncertainty quantification.Our in situ multiobjective genetic algorithm workflow achieves scalability by eliminating the file I/O bottleneck using interprocess communications.The in situ multiobjective genetic algorithm workflow has been applied to high-temperature sulfidation of MoO3 by H2S precursor, which is an essential reaction step for chemical vapor deposition synthesis of MoS2layers.Our work suggests a new reactive molecular dynamics simulation approach for far-from-equilibrium chemical processes, which quantitatively reproduces quantum molecular dynamics simulations while providing error bars. 

Editorial Summary

Molecular dynamics: multi-objective genetic algorithms for training and uncertainty quantification(分子动力学:用于训练和量化不确定度的多目标遗传算法) 


Multi-objective genetic algorithms allow training and uncertainty quantification of force-field parameters with minimal modifications of molecular dynamics codes. A team led by Aiichiro Nakano at University of Southern California used an algorithm based on reactive molecular dynamics (RMD) simulations for the training of reactive force-field parameters and uncertainty quantification of simulated quantities of interest.Chemical vapor deposition synthesis of MoS2 monolayer was set as a specific example, and force-field parameters were trained against quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) simulations.Starting from a 128-atom MoO3–H2S system, the reaction dynamics were investigated by estimating the numbers of H–S, Mo–O, and Mo–S bonds as a function of time during the QMD simulations.By comparing these quantities of interest with those obtained in the RMD simulations, it was found that RMD can quantitatively reproduce QMD within an error bar.

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