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Comparison of dissimilarity measures for cluster analysis of X-ray diffraction data from combinatorial libraries (组合数据库中X射线衍射数据对团簇分析的不同方法比较)

Comparison of dissimilarity measures for cluster analysis of X-ray diffraction data from combinatorial libraries 组合数据库中X射线衍射数据对团簇分析的不同方法比较 

Yuma Iwasaki, A. Gilad Kusne & Ichiro Takeuchi
npj Computational Materials
 3, Article number: 4 (2017)
Published online:03 February 2017
Abstract| Full Text | PDF OPEN


Abstract: Machine learning techniques have proven invaluable to manage the ever growing volume of materials research data produced as developments continue in high-throughput materials simulation, fabrication, and characterization. In particular, machine learning techniques have been demonstrated for their utility in rapidly and automatically identifying potential composition–phase maps from structural data characterization of composition spread libraries, enabling rapid materials fabrication-structure-property analysis and functional materials discovery. A key issue in development of an automated phase-diagram determination method is the choice of dissimilarity measure, or kernel function. The desired measure reduces the impact of confounding structural data issues on analysis performance. The issues include peak height changes and peak shifting due to lattice constant change as a function of composition. In this work, we investigate the choice of dissimilarity measure in X-ray diffraction-based structure analysis and the choice of measure’s performance impact on automatic composition-phase map determination. Nine dissimilarity measures are investigated for their impact in analyzing X-ray diffraction patterns for a Fe–Co–Ni ternary alloy composition spread. The cosine, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Jensen–Shannon divergence measures are shown to provide the best performance in the presence of peak height change and peak shifting (due to lattice constant change) when the magnitude of peak shifting is unknown. With prior knowledge of the maximum peak shifting, dynamic time warping in a normalized constrained mode provides the best performance. This work also serves to demonstrate a strategy for rapid analysis of a large number of X-ray diffraction patterns in general beyond data from combinatorial libraries. 

Editorial Summary

Machine learning: Spying enhanced materials with x-ray vision 机器学习技术:增强X射线的视力以更好地窥探材料

来自美国国家标准局的A. Gilad Kusne及其同事通过不同措施,量化材料结构的关键数据(如X-射线衍射峰强度和位置,以及样品的组成变化),研究了机器学习技术,以使其能够简化新型合金的合成。利用大量X射线衍射数据集的自动变化计算,可以改善多组分合金的设计。合金中含三个或更多金属时,有可能出现大量不同组合的材料,每种材料都具有不同的性能。科学家们首先制备了成分扩散的铁--镍合金薄膜,然后用不同软件分析X射线的异同,评估处理的速度和准确性。研究鉴定了几种适用于高通量生成彩色编码图样的算法,这些算法能显示合金成分和相位在两个和三个维度之间的关系。 

Using algorithms to automatically spot variations in massive X-ray diffraction data sets may improve design of multi-component alloys. Having three or more metals in an alloy can lead to overwhelming combinations of possible materials, each with different properties. A. Gilad Kusne from the National Institute of Standards and co-workers examined how machine learning techniques could simplify alloy discovery through ‘dissimilarity measures’ that quantify how key structural data points, such as the positions and intensities of X-ray peaks, change with sample makeup.

The team fabricated a compositional spread of iron–cobalt–nickel thin film alloys, and then evaluated different software approaches to finding X-ray dissimilarities for both processing speed and accuracy. Several algorithms suitable for high-throughput generation of color-coded maps that display relations between alloy composition and phase in both two and three-dimensions were identified. 
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