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End-to-end differentiability and tensor processing unit computing to accelerate materials’ inverse design

End-to-end differentiability and tensor processing unit computing to accelerate materials’ inverse design

    Han Liu, Yuhan Liu, Kevin Li, Zhangji Zhao, Samuel S. Schoenholz, Ekin D. Cubuk, Puneet Gupta & Mathieu Bauchy   

    npj Computational Materials 9: 121(2023)
    Published online: 13 July 2023
   AbstractFull Text | PDF OPEN

Abstract:  Numerical simulations have revolutionized material design. However, although simulations excel at mapping an input material to its output property, their direct application to inverse design has traditionally been limited by their high computing cost and lack of differentiability. Here, taking the example of the inverse design of a porous matrix featuring targeted sorption isotherm, we introduce a computational inverse design framework that addresses these challenges, by programming differentiable simulation on TensorFlow platform that leverages automated end-to-end differentiation. Thanks to its differentiability, the simulation is used to directly train a deep generative model, which outputs an optimal porous matrix based on an arbitrary input sorption isotherm curve. Importantly, this inverse design pipeline leverages the power of tensor processing units (TPU)—an emerging family of dedicated chips, which, although they are specialized in deep learning, are flexible enough for intensive scientific simulations. This approach holds promise to accelerate inverse materials design.
摘要:  计算模拟已然变革了材料设计范式,然而,材料模拟器虽能准确预测材料性质,但不具备反向设计能力,无法以材料性质预测其结构特征。本研究通过设计一类可微分模拟器,实现模拟器内部的微分梯度反向传播,可通过端对端连接直接训练一个深度学习生成器模型,以多孔材料吸附曲线为例,预测任意曲线所对应的多孔结构特征,并采用矩阵处理器实现计算加速。该深度计算框架将有力推动材料反向设计范式变革,实现高性能新材料的加速开发。
Editorial Summary

Accelerate materials’ inverse design: Eliminating the communication barrier 

Materials simulations are conventionally programmed in some old-fashioned programming languages, which is a reminiscence of computational science before machine learning become popular, rendering it challenging to communicate between simulation and machine learning (ML). This communication barrier prevents the efficient construction of an ML model from simulation data, and by construction, the ML model generally lacks extrapolability to predict the material structure with target properties unseen in the training set. A team led by Prof. Han Liu from SOlids inFormaTics AI-Laboratory (SOFT-AI-Lab)@Sichuan University (SCU, CHINA), together with collaborators at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA, USA) and Google Brain Team (Google LLC, USA), introduced a computational inverse design framework that addresses these challenges, by programming both simulation and machine learning in a differentiable programming language platform, allowing simulation to gain backward differentiability the same as machine learning. Their seamless integration enables ML model to be trained directly by the differentiable knowledge of simulator—rather than a predefined training set, which is key to enhance the ML model extrapolability. Taking the example of sorption simulation in porous matrices, it is interesting that a deep generative model is trained to enable accurate prediction of porous structures by inputting arbitrary sorption isotherm. Moreover, the computational inverse design pipeline is found to be accelerated by tensor processing unit (TPU) computing, demonstrating the TPU hardware accelerator specialized for machine learning is flexible enough for intensive scientific simulations. Overall, by fusing simulation and machine learning in differentiable programs and hardware accelerators, this approach holds promise to accelerate inverse materials design.  



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