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Transferable equivariant graph neural networks for the Hamiltonians of molecules and solids


Transferable equivariant graph neural networks for the Hamiltonians of molecules and solids (分子和固体哈密顿量的可转移等变图神经网络)

Yang Zhong, Hongyu Yu, Mao Su, Xingao Gong & Hongjun Xiang

npj Computational Materials 9: 182 (2023)


Published online: 06 October 2023




Editorial Summary

Large-scale electronic structure calculations: acceleration through a transferable machine learning approach

Density functional theory (DFT) is a powerful tool for studying the electronic structure of molecules and materials to unveil the underlying mechanisms behind various material properties. However, the broad-scale application of DFT calculation on large-scale systems remains circumscribed by the substantial computational overhead and running time required. This study proposes an equivariant parameterization framework based on a graph neural network for the electronic Hamiltonian matrix, which enables direct mapping from atomic positions to electronic Hamiltonians, thus bypassing the expensive self-consistent iterative process in DFT methods. A group led by Prof. Hongjun Xiang from Fudan University has designed a graph neural network called HamGNN. This network explicitly considers the rotational equivariance and parity symmetry of the Hamiltonian matrix in the real space, and uses the energy band error at randomly sampled k points in the reciprocal space as the regularization term during training. The proposed model has high fitting ability and transferability to the electronic structures of molecules and solids beyond the training set. After being trained on the Hamiltonian matrices of carbon allotropes, silicon allotropes, and SiO2 isomers, the HamGNN model demonstrates a high degree of consistency with the band structures obtained from DFT calculations for the configurations beyond the training set. The HamGNN model trained on the silicon allotropes successfully predicts the energy bands and defect wave functions of a silicon dislocation model containing 4,284 atoms, revealing the highly localized nature of the defect energy levels caused by edge dislocation. The HamGNN model trained on the untwisted bilayer MoS2 structure accurately predicts the Dirac cone band dispersion and spatial distribution of wave function at the valence band maximum (VBM) for the Moiré angle twisted bilayer MoS2 with 1626 atoms. HamGNN also accurately fits the Hamiltonian matrices with spin-orbit coupling effects (SOC) for the BixSey family with different stoichiometric ratios. The practical tests demonstrate that the machine learning model proposed in this study exhibits high accuracy and transferability for predicting the electronic Hamiltonians of various materials, making it a viable alternative to DFT for efficiently calculating the electronic structure of large systems. 

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