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本刊2022年SCI影响因子9.7 (2023年6月发布) (2023-10-23)
本刊2021年SCI影响因子12.256 (2022-07-07)
npj Computational Materials 2019年影响因子达到9... (2020-07-04)
npj Computational Materials获得第一个SCI影响因... (2018-09-07)
英文刊《npj Computational Materials(计算材料学... (2017-05-15)
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  Benefits to Authors 

  Did you know? 

  • That npj Computational Materials is an online-only, open access journal?

  npj Computational Materials是仅在线出版、开放获取的期刊吗? 

  Articles are published under a Creative Commons license, which means they are freely available to all and authors retain copyright. 

  本刊所有论文都执行Creative Commons license法规,所有读者都可免费获取全文,所有作者都保留自己的版权。 

  • That the millions of users of nature.com can now sign up for an e-mail copy of the table of contents for the npj Computational Materials in which your article is published?

  Nature网站广大注册用户可以下载获得e-mail版的npj Computational Materials当期目录吗? 

  That all Nature Partner Journal titles have strong editorial values and adhere to a modified set of Nature editorial standards under the leadership of Nature Editor-in-Chief, Dr Phil Campbell. 

  所有npj期刊都强烈地秉持国际名刊Nature的编辑理念,都坚定地奉行源自Nature的编辑标准,都纳入Nature出版集团(NPG)主编Philip Campbell博士的领导之下。 

  Benefits of publishing with npj Computational Materials 

  Publishing with npj Computational Materials and NPG provides an author with a wide range of benefits: 


  Open access 


  As an open access journal, npj Computational Materials content is freely available to all researchers worldwide, ensuring maximum dissemination. New content is published online regularly to provide timely communication to the community and keep publication times to a minimum. 

  作为开放获取期刊, npj Computational Materials 内容对所有读者都可免费获取全文,做到最大程度地传播。新的论文将以最短编辑周期、及时地传播到相关科学界。 

  Creative Commons license 


  npj Computational Materials articles are published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). Alternative licences are available on request. More information about license choice can be found on the Open Access page. 

  Online submission − reducing publication times 


  npj Computational Materials uses the eJournal Press online submission system, which allows authors to submit papers via the Web. This system speeds up the submission and refereeing process, and allows you to view the status of your paper online. 



  Authors who choose to publish in any NPG journal can be assured that publishing, editorial and production staff are committed to maintaining the highest possible quality and standards. 


  Regular free e-mail alerts 


  Content published in npj Computational Materials has the potential to reach scientists around the world who have signed up for NPG's free table of contents e-alerts, ensuring additional exposure for authors. These e-alerts will inform recipients of the articles published in the journal on a monthly basis and allow them to click through and read the full text. 


  Media coverage 


  The Nature press office provides information about exceptionally interesting papers published throughout NPG. More than 2,000 journalists and media organizations worldwide subscribe to the press service, ensuring that papers receive maximum exposure in the world's most important media channels including newspapers, magazines, radio and television. 



  Online Submission 


  To find out about how to submit an article to npj Computational Materials, please read the journal’s specific Guide for Authors. 

  需要了解如何向本刊投稿,敬请参阅本刊特为作者准备的Guide for Authors 

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